Program Authors

An author, researcher and Clinical Psychologist with 28 years experience, Dr Danielle Einstein is a leading expert in understanding responses to uncertainty.
Since commencing her career as Director of the Anxiety Clinic at Westmead Hospital in Sydney, Dr Einstein has been developing cutting edge programs to enhance emotional health at online and at schools. As an Adjunct Fellow of Macquarie University, Dr Einstein has published in peer-reviewed international psychology journals on topics including managing uncertainty, procrastination and self-compassion.
Quoted in several media platforms (The Project, Sunrise, ABC, Yahoo, Life Matters), Dr Danielle Einstein was also the first Australian Clinical Psychologist to explain how phone use contributed to anxiety. Subsequently her research was cited in the Australian recommendations for school phone use.
For her work in other areas:
www.danielleeinstein.com & www.thedip.com
Dr Helen Wright is an International Education Advisor who currently works with school leaders and schools across the globe. She is a distinguished former Head of leading schools in the UK and Australia and named Tatler’s Best Head of a Public School in 2011. She also holds Directorships of several educational organisations and other companies across the world and advises several school Boards on their governance.
As a qualified executive coach, Dr Wright currently coaches numerous school teachers and leaders, both experienced and inexperienced. Her incisive approach combines her understanding and experience of organisational structures to enable individuals to develop greater clarity about what they are doing and where they are headed. Additionally, Dr Wright consults internationally and leads training and support sessions with leaders and schools across the globe, recently including the New Principals’ course run by the Association of Independent Schools in NSW, Australia.
Buy Dr Wright's new book, 'The Globally Competent School: a manual', here